Friday, June 18, 2010


All finished with hospital and clinical orientation, and now on my own. My ER orientation was great. I was fortunate to have an awesome preceptor for two days. There were some gnarly things I saw which I wanted to snap a photo to share, but figured not such a good idea when the resident got some weird looks after he did it. The ER there is BUSY! Waiting room times average 3 hours, then 4 hours in the unit if it is for something simple. People can wait for 3 hours more to get a bed if they get admitted. The first shift after orientation I was floated to Neuro ICU which I'm thinking will be the unit we get floated to the most. Nobody wants to be there, and it's the biggest unit in the hospital that also brings in the most revenue. Patients on the unit range from strokes to full spinal cord injuries with paralysis. There is new equipment to learn, and pathophysiology to brush up on. The nurses in the unit were helpful and friendly. Most of them were travelers in the past, or want to be a travel RN in the future.
Last weekend we enjoyed some hiking and scenic photography in Olympic National Park. It was the first time I've taken a ferry! We spent all afternoon and had lunch at a beautiful lake.
The rest of the week has and will be spent on visiting the Aquarium, Zoo, Science Center and the festivities of Fremont this Saturday to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Apparently the people get painted up and ride their bikes naked in a parade, it should be very entertaining.

Today we went on a hike and I really like where we live. There are beautiful trails everywhere. Last night was our first time driving to work, since we've been taking the bus for day shifts, and we were there in less than 10 minutes. It was great! Here's a picture of the neighbors and what the parks are like here. It is absolutely beautiful. Yes, that is the plane the owner probably takes to work. The other picture is of the trail through the park.

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